Team Details
  • Coach Information
    Name: sabrina watkins Affiliation: Kansas
  • Team Information
    Team Name: Oz Wicked Division/Class: 12B Affiliation: Kansas
  • Team Tournament Record | 7 - 4
    Date Tournament Record
    Apr-29 - 30
    5 - 1
    Jul-08 - 09
    2 - 3
Tournament Registrations

Crown The Queen of the New Turf 5GG

Apr 29 - 30 , 2023 | Registered on Mar 15, 2023 at 12UOpen

Payment status: Paid - PayPal

Kansas USA Softball B/C State...

Jul 08 - 09 , 2023 | Registered on May 09, 2023 at 14UOpen

Payment status: Paid - PayPal