Tournament Details
Pink Out
Sep 28 - 29 , 2024
8U-Open | 10U-C/Open |
12U-A/B/C | 14U-A/B/C |
Adair Park | Hidden Valley Park
Four games: pool into single elimination bracket
Stacey Moore | | 816-256-7829
All team at HV…. They have no concessions workers for Sunday. NO CONCESSUONS ON SUNDAY AT HIDDEN VALLEY

75 Registered Teams
12B 5 12C 16 14B 18 14C 8 16-18Open 9 10C 19
Wildfire(12UC) | Lucas Brown
Team KC - Jackson(12UC) | Derek Jackson
Ravens - 12U(12UC) | Sean Cobb
Purple Crush Elite(12UC) | Katy Kanes
NW Cubbies - Nelson(12UC) | Sean Nelson
Louisville Lady Sluggers- Garcia(12UC) | Frank Garcia
Lawrence Hummers(12UC) | Kayla Sheaffer
KHAOS(12UC) | Travis Healey
KC Phoenix 12u KW(12UC) | Kirsten Waldon
Kc Confidence-12U(12UC) | Don Baer
KC Ambush 2013(12UC) | Roger Garrett
Galaxy(12UC) | Monica Henriod
Evolve Softball Academy(12UC) | Andrea Burks
BBG HALOS SILVER 12U(12UC) | Steve Dickey
BBG Halos 12u Purple(12UC) | Steve Dickey
AFA 12u Brown(12UC) | Charles Brown
Training-U Titans 14 White(14UB) | Terry Harris
Team KC- Frost(14UB) | Darian Frost
Team KC- Fagert(14UB) | Krystal Fagert
Team Kansas Rollin(14UB) | Maryssa Rollin
Select Fastpitch 14U (Wilson)(14UB) | Britney Wilson
Pride Select FP - Red(14UB) | Christopher Thom
NLD Impact(14UB) | Landon Lucansky
Mud Turtles(14UB) | Kent Aikin
Mid Mo Pride 2010(14UB) | Jennifer Walker
Lady Lightning(14UC) | Kristi Rodriguez
KC Phoenix 13u JB(13UC) | Joseph Benezette
Evolve-Campbell(14UB) | Tory Campbell
Building Champions - Harvey(14UB) | Tim Harvey
Blaze Fastpitch(14UB) | Marc Spellman
BBG Halos 14u Silver(14UB) | Steve Dickey
Arsenal Fastpitch 2010(14UB) | Brian Felix
A-Team Aces Deer (14UB) | Cory Deer
816 Originals McKinney(14UB) | Jason McKinney
Victory(14UC) | Lowell Short
Penguins KC fastpitch(14UC) | Roger Strutton
Ottawa Raptors 14C - Wimmer(14UC) | Jason Wimmer
NLD Impact White(14UC) | Reagan Marsh
MID-MO-MISFITS(14UC) | Elisha Durham
Mean Green - Venom(14UC) | Gillian Barker
Atchison Fighting Phoienix (14UC) | Sercy Duncan
13U KC Riverdawgs(14UC) | Andrew Lanier
Top Gun 18(18UB) | Shaun Foster
PSA Outlawz(16UB) | Jeff Hunt
Midwest Power - Mohler(16UB) | Jami Mohler
Midwest Angels(18UB) | Matt Trusty
KC Hotshots(18UB) | Amber Arnold
Kc Confidence(16UB) | Don Baer
Kansas Classics - Garcia(14UB) | Rico Garcia
Kansas Classics - Franco(16UB) | Tony Franco
A-Team Aces - Hice(16UA) | Heather Hice
Valkyrie Softball Gragert 2015(9UC) | Kelly Gragert
Top Gun 10u Dudley(10UC) | Zach Dudley
Team KC- Camareno(10UC) | Tony Camareno
Royalty(10UC) | Jeremy King
Reign Elite(10UC) | Kristin Chandler
Purple Crush Pryme(10UC) | Amber Slaughter
Originals-Palmer(10UC) | Kelsey Palmer
Originals Burkhart(10UC) | chad burkhart
Mud Turtles(10UC) | Kent Aikin
Marek Fastpitch Academy(10UB) | Chris Christofferson
Lawrence Hummers 10U(10UC) | William Byrn
Lady Vipers(10UC) | Jennifer Espinosa
KC Rebels 10u Coppage(10UC) | Tim Coppage
KC Phoenix 10u KW(10UC) | Kirsten Waldon
KC Athletics(10UC) | Jessica Lading
Grand River Storm 10u(10UC) | Keri Youtsey
Diamond Club Perseverance (10UC) | Drew Page
BBG Halos 10U Purple(10UC) | Steve Dickey
Tournament Info
All teams playing at Hidden Valley Sunday- they do not have anyone to work concessions. So NO CONCESSIONS AT HV SUNDAY!
This year we are changing from breast cancer awareness to HELPING FIGHT CHILHOOD CANCER. We will have some gift baskets to raffle with all the proceeds going to aid various places helping fight this terrible diagnosis. IF you have items you would like to donate to the raffle... PLEASE reach out to Stacey Moore. We also have a few "surprise attacks" to teams and / or players demonstrating outstanding SPORTSMANSHIP. Details will be given to coaches upon check-in.
RAFFLE WINNERS: George Brett Baseball - RED TICKET 759723
USA Tournament for 2025 ran by Stacey Moore - RED TICKET 628951
GIFT CARDS: Target - RED TICKET 759730 QT - RED Ticket 628945
ULTA - RED TICKET 759721 Bath and Body Works - Jason Dunlap
Amazon - Abbie Nelson Home Depot - Tammy Keckler
Khalen Saunders jersey - Dennis Garrett
Bobby Witt Jr Hat - RED TICKET - 759726
Isaiah Pacheco jersey - 759710
Congrats to all the winners - we will have all the items at the parks tomorrow during 8:30 am games - please see the tournament director to claim your prize - WITH YOUR TICKET!
Thank you all for supporting kids with cancer!
Let these KIDS know what an army of support they have in the USA SOFTBALL of KC Community!!
Admission fee: CASH ONLY.... $6 for adults ($3 for seniors (55 & over) and kids (12-17), free for children (11 & under).
All Divisions will play by USA Softball Rules (except where otherwise specified).
10C Division: no dropped third strike, no infield fly rule, no stealing home (can only advance home if forced via hit by pitch or walk or on a batted ball). NO one base on an overthrow restriction. Any baserunner attempting to steal home is at liability to be put out; if they make it home without being put out, time will be declared and all runners that advanced will be returned to their originating base.
10C & 12C Division: six run per half inning limit.
All Divisions: roster batting allowed and run spread of 12-10-8 after innings 3-4-5.
Each team will get 2 softballs at check-in IF registration, rosters, and Safesport, and Background check are completed =)
Coaches will get the details of "surprise attacks" at check-in. Coaches will also be asked to be on the lookout for athletes demonstrating outstanding sportsmanship so we can properly reward them!! - Surprise attacks, and other rewards are POOL PLAY ONLY.
The raffle numbers will be drawn during 9 pm Saturday games. Winners will be posted on this website during the first bracket games of the day on Sunday.
AWARDS > Team and individual awards in all divisions
AWARDS > In all divisions, the awards are based on bracket play results only - NOT on pool play results.
Adair Park 4410 S Lee's Summit Rd - Independence, MO & Hidden Valley Park 6500 NW Valley View Rd - Blue Springs, MO
REMINDER > All teams must have at least two coaches who have completed & passed the USA Softball Background Check and have taken SafeSport - no exceptions - found on the website.
Rainout Policy: If 75% of games are played, there will be no refunds. Refunds will be issued based on number of games played. If the event is completely rained out, refunds will be issued minus a $25 non-refundable administration fee. There will be no refunds to teams that withdraw from the tournament once the schedule is made or to those who forfeit games.
We reserve the right to update the information found on this website at any time. Please check back for updates prior to coming to the fields.