Tournament Details
RecruitLook Showcase
Oct 25 - 27 , 2024
12U-A | 14U-Open | 16U-Open |
Lone Elm Park | Mid America | Olathe Girls Softball Complex
5 Game Guarantee
Bob Snavely | | 816-785-3064
46 Registered Teams
14Open 7 16Open 14 18Open 25
Top Gun 2010KC(14UA) | Jeremy Hough
Pride Select FP 2010 - Flavell(14UA) | Ryan Flavell
Pride Select FP - Navy(14UB) | Christopher Thom
KS Classics - Webster(14UB) | Cole Webster
KC Peppers(14UA) | Jeff Cordray
Iowa Gold Prospects(14UA) | Chad Shellmyer
Diamond Club Monarchs(13UB) | Brad Reynolds
Smash It Sports Vipers MO/AR Select(16UC) | Ben Brecheen
R.O.I. Fastpitch-Bryant/McMullan 15u(15UA) | Michael Bryant
PSA Pride(16UA) | JJ Fanning
Ottawa Raptors Evans(16UA) | Ben Evans
Originals Bainbridge(16UA) | Lincoln Bainbridge
Kansas Classics - Garcia(14UB) | Rico Garcia
Kansas Classics - Franco(16UB) | Tony Franco
G2 Heat 16 Flores(16UB) | Everardo Flores
G2 Heat 16 Carbajal(16UB) | Anthony Gonzalez
Diamond Club Premier-Walker(16UA) | Jason Walker
Diamond Club National-Craig(16UA) | Tiffany Craig
Diamond Club Elite-Pumel(16UB) | Caroline Pumel
AFA 2026/27 16A Vasquez(16UA) | Anna Vasquez
A-Team Aces - Hice(16UA) | Heather Hice
Wichita Stars(18UA) | Cody Lassley
Top Gun 07 KS(18UA) | Christopher Rogers
Team KC- Mayse(18UA) | Todd Mayse
Team Kansas - Rogers(18UA) | Tim Rodgers
Team Kansas - Denning 18U(18UA) | Nick Denning
Rebels 18u(18UA) | Brady walker
Prodigy Chrastil 18U National (18UB) | Chad Chrastil
Ottawa Raptors Goodwin/Shelledy 18U(18UA) | Jason Shelledy
Originals j2(18UA) | Jody Jeffries
Nebraska Stealth(18UB) | Mark Kramer
Midwest Speed 18u Gold Gaston(18UGold) | Tommy Gaston
Midwest Mayhem(18UA) | Bill Norwood
Mac N Seitz(18UGold) | Jessica Teddy
Ks Classics Snavely 18A(18UA) | Bob Snavely
KC Rebels 18A Soldner(18UA) | Brian Soldner
KC Rebels 18 National(18UGold) | John Shafer
KC Rebels 18 - Spellman(18UA) | Marc Spellman
Iowa Aries 18u(18UA) | Tyler Cosper
Fuzion(18UC) | James Jeffries
Diamond Club Premier-Gordon (18UA) | Stephen Gordon
Diamond Club National 2026(18UGold) | Mike Miller
Colorado Divas(18UA) | Joshua Medina
Classics - Pemberton(18UA) | Zach Pemberton
Athletics Russell(18UA) | brandon russell
Athletes United KC(18UA) | Steve Jaso
Tournament Info
Combine testing partners: Blast, Dashr, and Virtual Combine.
Check In: You must check in prior to your first games to verify USA registration and Insurance. Mid America check in is in the office above fields 3 and 4. Lone Elm Check in is in the covered seating area next to concessions and Field 7.