Tournament Details
Jun 08 - 09 , 2024
8U-C | 10U-C | 12U-C | 14U-C |
Legacy Park
3 Pool Games - Single Elim Bracket
Dawn Mayse | | 816-645-7379
Games have been cancelled due to field conditions.
Thank you to everyone for coming out!
- $6.00 for Adults
- $3.00 for Seniors (55+) & Kids (13-17)
- Kids 12 and under are free
Alcohol is not allowed at any softball complex/parking lot.
Rainout Line: Find the "" App on your smartphone or tablet, search for USA Softball of Kansas City. You can also call the phone number is 816-222-0076, follow the prompts and it will provide up-to-date information.

47 Registered Teams
10C 17 12C 14 14C 8 16-18C 8
Warrensburg Valkyries(10UC) | Aubrei Crooks
Twisters(10UC) | Chris Finn
Sun Devils (10UC) | Aaron Harms
Storm Softball Club 10U(10UC) | Charles Driskell
Starlings(10UC) | Toni Bergquist
SEK Sluggers(10UB) | Sara Clift
Raymore Rampage(8UC) | Matt McCulloch
Patriots(10UC) | Toni Buckles
NW Cubbies(10UC) | Gregg Minnis
Marysville Magic (10UC) | Megan Urban
Lumberjills(10UB) | Stan Henderson
KC Rebels - 10U Eakin(10UC) | Dan Eakin
KC Phoenix 10u Porter(10UC) | Bill Porter
KC Hornets(10UC) | Dino Horn
High Octane 10u(10UC) | Roy McCoy
Fireballs 10U(10UB) | Christen Potter
Arsenal Fastpitch 2013(10UC) | Nick Evenson
Topeka Queens -Evans(12UC) | Lloyd Murphy
Tipton Tigers 12U Hussey(12UC) | Abbey Hussey
Storm Softball Club 12U - Purple(12UC) | Charles Driskell
Riverdawgs 12U(12UC) | Andrew Lanier
Mid-MO Pride - Williams(12UC) | Emily Williams
KC ZEPHYRS-MUNZURIS(12UC) | Rocky Munzuris
KC Lady Bandits(12UC) | Breanna Colbert
KC Angels 12U(12UC) | Jamie Crawford
Inferno 12u(12UC) | Brittany Simpson
Fireballs 12U(12UC) | Christen Potter
Diamond GIrls(12UC) | Brannan RIffel
Commotion(12UC) | Lori O'Dell
Building Champions - Gabel(12UC) | Jamie Gabel
Blazers(12UC) | L.B. Fogt
Sun Devils(18UC) | Aaron Harms
Storm Softball Club 16U - Purple(16UC) | Charles Driskell
Riley Falcons(16UC) | Shawn Colby
Rampage(18UC) | Taylor Crooks
NEK Fury(16UC) | Stacy James-Cooper
Midwest Rampage(16UC) | Kara Smith
Marysville Magic-Urban(18UC) | Megan Urban
Khoas All-Star(16UC) | Robert Scott