Tournament Details
Oct 06 - 06 , 2024
10U-C/Open | 12U-C/Open |
14U-C/Open | HS-C/Open
Bettis Sports Complex | Envista Softball Complex
3 GG - 2 Pool games then to single elimination
Loren Fisher | | 785-820-6191
FACILITY LOCATIONS: Envista Softball Complex, 3421 SE Leisure Lane, Topeka, KS 66605; Bettis Sports Complex, 3025 SE Croco Rd, Topeka, KS 66605
FIELD SURFACES: BETTIS: Infield, Turf; Outfield, Grass ENVISTA: Infield, Turf ; Outfield: Grass
GAME TIMES: ALL AGES: 65 minute pool & bracket games; flip for home team every game
INDIVIDUAL GATE FEE: Adults 18 and Older $6.00; Ages 5-17 $2.00 (Cash only)
T-SHIRTS FOR SALE: T-Shirts will be available for sale at Bettis & Envista $20@shirt: (Cash or Venmo)
CONCESSION STANDS: BETTIS & ENVISTA: Will have concessions all day.
GAME BALLS: Provide your own balls. You will receive one (1) new game ball at your coaches check-in. Red-stitch ASA/USA Stamped 11" or 12" Optic Yellow .47 COR/375 Ball (No USSSA Blue-stitch balls will be used)
BETTIS COMPLEX: Coaches Check-In will be as you walk up to the pay gate. First (3) coaches to sign in get in at no charge. Everyone there after will pay to get in. First coach to sign in will receive their 1 new game ball.
ENVISTA COMPLEX: Coaches Check-In will be as you walk up to the pay gate. First (3) coaches to sign in get in at no charge. Everyone there after will pay to get in. First coach to sign in will receive their 1 new game ball.

42 Registered Teams
14Open 12 10C 7 12C 5 HSOpen 18
Vipers(14UC) | John Ireland
Twisters - Bailey(14UB) | Jace Bailey
Topeka Takeovers Teal 14U(14UC) | Jessica Parker
Synergy 14U - Stack(14UB) | Jeff Stack
Synergy 13U - Burgen(13UB) | Misty Burgen
OSA Outlaws - Allen(14UC) | Shelton Allen
Next Level Barajas 14B(14UB) | Junior Barajas
Next Level 14U Brammell(14UB) | Lindsey Poertner
Manhattan Optimist MHK Prospects(14UB) | Richard Foveaux
Mammoth Bombers 13u(13UA) | Chris Carlson
Kansas Threat(14UB) | Mandi White
Gold Glove Midwest Bond(14UB) | Susie Robinson
Topeka Tropical Storm(16UB) | Patti Breckenridge
Topeka Queens - Fairfield(16UB) | Dara Fairfield
Team Kansas Neitzel(16UA) | Kevin Neitzel
Synergy 14U - Clurman(14UA) | Cameron Clurman
Next Level HS Brammell(18UB) | Lindsey Poertner
NEK Fury(16UC) | Deena Temming
Midwest Power 08-09(16UA) | Hailee Simpson
Midwest Power - Mohler(16UB) | Jami Mohler
Manhattan Optimist Prime(18UB) | Jeff Brummett
Lady Royals(16UB) | Ben Fawl
G2 Heat 16 Flores(16UB) | Everardo Flores
Competitive Edge(14UB) | Kaci Evans
Coldsteel Cobras 18u(18UB) | Kevin Harms
Clay Center B's 16U(16UC) | Shanell George
Chaos Fastpitch 18U(18UB) | Clint Harold
Bomb Squad(18UB) | Bailee Henry
Blue Heat 16U Ingels(16UC) | Jeremy Ingels
A-Team Aces - Hice(16UA) | Heather Hice
Tournament Info
We reserve the right to update or change information, formats or divisions on this event at any time. Please be sure to check back for possible updated information prior to coming to this tournament. Venue changes or additions, if needed, will be announced 7 days or more prior to the tournament.
Register early. Limited to the first 40 teams entered.
Teams will receive 1 new 11" or 12” Dudley Thunder Heat USA Red Stitch ball at Coaches check-in.
AWARDS: Plaques and Medals; 1st and 2nd Place teams in each division.
COACHES BACKGROUND CHECK & SAFESPORT: 9/1/24 starts the 2025 season. All teams for 2025 must have at least 2 coaches who have passed the USA background check (passing a USSSA background check does not qualify for or replace passing a USA background check) & have completed their SafeSport certification found on - NO EXCEPTIONS!
TEAM TOURNAMENT DROP POLICY: If a team drops before the registration deadline has passed, there will be a full refund. If a team drops out after the tournament entry deadline as passed, for any reason, there will be no refund of entry fee monies, as schedules will be in play already. To qualify for a Team Drop refund or drop out of a tournament, go to your team home page on and put in a drop request. No emails, texts or phone calls. NO EXCEPTIONS.
RAINOUT INFORMATION: Will be posted on this tournament page at the top of the Pool schedule page, as well as on the Kansas Fastpitch Softball Facebook page.
RAINOUT REFUND POLICY: If no games are played, a refund minus a $25.00 administration fee will be issued. 1 game played 50% refund; 2 or more games played, no refund.
INDIVIDUAL GATE FEE: Adults 18 and Older $6.00; Ages 5-17 $2.00
This is a USA Fastpitch Softball sanctioned event. Proof of liability & accident insurance is REQUIRED PRIOR to playing in this event. We accept USA or USSSA insurance. Teams with USA Softball liability & accident insurance are AUTOMATICALLY A REGISTERED USA team. Teams with non-USA liability & accident insurance will be required to pay a one-time-for-the-season fee of $30 to become a USA registered team for 2025. This is valid thru 8/31/2025. You will be required to provide a PDF copy of your non-USA Softball liability & accident insurance policy, along with your $30 fee, no later than by the tournament entry deadline date. Contact Loren Fisher 785-820-6191; for more information or clarification.
For more information on this tournament contact: Loren Fisher 785-820-6191;