Tournament Details
Apr 25 - 27 , 2025
8U-B/C | 10U-B/C |
12U-A/B/C | 14U-A/B/C |
Adair Park
Stacey Moore | | 816-256-7829
Tournament Schedule

48 Registered Teams
8C 2 10B 2 10C 4 12B 5 12C 4 14B 11 14C 2 16-18A 16 16-18B 2
Velocity Academy - Chavez(14UB) | Haley Chavez
Patriots 14u(14UB) | Matt Vaughn
Originals - Kearney(12UB) | Frank Kearney
Mean Green - Venom(14UC) | Gillian Barker
Legacy(14UC) | Blake Scholl
KC Phoenix JF(14UB) | Jamie Faulkner
KC Phoenix 13u JB(13UC) | Joseph Benezette
grand river storm(14UC) | Jeremy Sybert
Fireballs 14U(14UC) | Christen Potter
Evolve-Campbell(14UB) | Tory Campbell
Diamond Club Pride(14UB) | Hailey Lowery
Tenacity Fastpitch 27/28(15UA) | Jay Hamilton
Team Kansas - Denning 18U(18UA) | Nick Denning
Reign Elite(16UA) | Jeremy Witzke
Originals Marsh(18UA) | Jason Marsh
Originals j2(18UA) | Jody Jeffries
Originals Bainbridge(16UA) | Lincoln Bainbridge
Originals 27/28(16UA) | Amber Hinton-Dampf
Midwest Batbusters-Brice Gold(16UA) | Jay Gallivan
Marek Fastpitch Academy(16UA) | Sammey Bunch
KC Zephyrs - Davis(18UA) | Brian Davis
KC Rebels 18A Soldner(18UA) | Brian Soldner
Diamond Club National-Craig(16UA) | Tiffany Craig
Diamond Club Elite-Pumel(16UB) | Caroline Pumel
Bombers KC 18A-Lathrom(18UA) | Corey Lathrom
26/27 Texas Glory (KCMO)(16UA) | Jacob Gorrow
16U Aces (Mid-MO) Bartlett(16UGold) | Taylor Bartlett
Tournament Info
Welcome to THE EARL!CASH ONLY - $8 = Adults over 17 $5 = Seniors and Kids 13-16 Under 12 FREE There will be NO GATE REFUNDS RainoutLine: 816-222-0076 WELCOME to "THE EARL" The Originals founder Earl & Sally Turnure Memorial Tournament 100% of the proceeds from this event will go to the Earl and Sally Turnure Memorial Scholarships Who is Earl? Earl brought fastpitch softball to the Missouri side of the Kansas City Metro. He started the Originals organization in 1983. He taught his daughter, Stacey, to pitch using the windmill. Opposing coaches bickered at the "cheating" and/or "illegal" style of pitching he instructed. At that moment, the competition began. From that point on he taught girls of all ages to pitch. He offered any of his pitching knowledge, to put KC softball on the map, for FREE. Until his death (2018) he never charged a cent. In all the teams he coached he never accepted a penny for food, for fuel, for lodging, for travel. He became one of the leading voices in growing the game of softball for girls of all abilities. There was never a scorecard kept of the number of wins or how many scholarships. There was simply doing it for the girls. Keep it fun, keep it simple, and the game would take care of itself. Who is Sally? Sally was the best fan softball ever had. She really did not have much choice. Her husband, Earl, volunteered forty-plus years to grow the game. As anyone that has ever coached knows - there is very little appreciation for the time and commitment it takes to coach a team and do it well. Sally supported the athletes, and the coaches. What was adored about her was her willingness to tell you how it is. She was a very straight shooter with high expectations and standards of being loyal. And, because she was a MOM to hundreds of girls - there will be a special momento for all MOMs sharing this day with us. Be sure to see the on-site Tournament Director for a special gift. Earl and Sally were high school sweethearts from Atlantic, Iowa. Their love of softball and youth sports brought them to Kansas City so Earl could also play ball himself. He was one of the very few to play against "The King and His Court". His abilities also earned him a Men's National Championship when he played for Ramirez Trucking. AWARDS: 1st Place = Medals + Team Award 2nd Place = Medals + Team Award FORMAT = 3 Pool Play followed by Single Elimination Bracket Play Facilities: Adair Park = 4410 S Lee's Summit Rd, Independence, Mo REMINDER > All teams must be registered with USA Softball and have at least two coaches who have completed & passed the USA Softball background check - no exceptions. Coaches need to obtain their background checks on the website. For questions regarding USA Softball Registration / SafeSport / Background Check / Insurance please contact Mary at: Rainout Policy: If 3 games are played - NO REFUND, If 2 games are played $130 Refund, If 1 game is played $260 Refund, If NO GAMES are played a $50 administration fee will be held. NO REFUNDS will be given for withdrawal once the schedule is complete. We reserve the right to update the information found on this website at any time. Please check back for updates prior to coming to the ballpark. |