Tournament Details
Umpires Strike Back
Mar 29 - 30 , 2025
8U-Open | 10U-Open |
12U-C/Open | 14U-C/Open |
Lone Elm Park | Olathe Girls Softball Complex
3 Pool into single elim bracket
Darren Elliott | | 316-214-9502

12 Registered Teams
8Open 1 12Open 1 14Open 1 12C 5 14C 4
Tournament Info
Proceeds from this event will help our KC Metro Umpire association provide equipment to new umpires.
ARE YOU A FAN OF STAR WARS AND SOFTBALL? This weekend, they all come together! Teams are encouraged to dress up in Star Wars themed costumes. There will be CONTESTS for decoration AND costumes. IF we can find them - the awards will all be Star Wars themed as well. This will be a whole weekend of fun for the Star Wars fans everywhere!
Umpires will also be encouraged to dress in Star Wars themed uniforms. You never know - Princess Leia OR Chewbacca OR R2D2 may make a special appearance. To infinity and beyond......
Fence decoration
Team costume
Coach impersonation of Star Wars Character
AWARDS > In all divisions, awards are based solely on bracket play results - NOT on pool play results.
RULES > USA Rules apply with these exceptions:
Roster batting is allowed for the entire tournament
Run Spread rule = 12 after 3innings, 10 after 4innings or 8 after 5 innings
All teams must provide proof of insurance and current USA Softball team registration when you check-in with the on-site Tournament Director (you can enter the event now and provide information later)! Dugout/on-field coaches must pass the Background Check & SafeSport certification found on the website.
RainoutLine: 816-222-0076
Rainout Policy: If 75% of games are played, there will be no refunds. Any refunds will be issued based on the number of games a team played. If no games are played, a $50 administration fee will be withheld from the refund.
No refunds allowed for teams who forfeit games or drop out once a division is full and schedule has been made.
We reserve the right to update or change information on this event at any time. Please be sure to check back for updates prior to coming to the fields!