Salina Fieldhouse Indoor 10U Open 1 Day

FACILITY LOCATION: Salina Fieldhouse, 140 N 5th St, Salina, KS 67401

COACHES CHECK-IN: There will be a sign-in sheet for team coaches at the door. First three (3) coaches to sign in for each team will not pay. Those 3 coaches who sign in will receive a coaches pass to re-enter. Everyone after that who says they're a coach will need to pay. First coach to sign in will be given your new ball and will be marked off accordingly.

CONCESSION STANDS: Concessions will be available all day.

GAME BALLS: Hit your own balls. Red-stitch ASA/USA Stamped 11" Optic Yellow .47 COR/375 Ball (No USSSA Blue-stitch balls will be used)

PLAYING SHOES: NO steel spiked shoes on any turf field. Plastic molded cleated turf field shoes are allowed. Regular gym or athletic shoes with flat soles are preferred.

FACILITY SEATING: Aluminum bleacher seating is provided. NO LAWN CHAIRS OR FOLDING CHAIRS PERMITTED. Folded stadium chairs are preferred.

INDIVIDUAL GATE FEE: Adults 18 and Older $6.00; Ages 5-17 $2.00 (Cash only).

10Open Pool A

Team W - L - T Pct. RA RS RD
1 Salina Braves - Hitchens 1 - 0 - 1 .750 1 13 12
2 316 Elite - Horn 1 - 0 - 1 .750 9 11 2
3 Jitterbugs - Bailey 1 - 1 - 0 .500 11 11 0
4 Salina Braves - Fetherston 10U 1 - 1 - 0 .500 4 6 2
5 BBG Halos 10U Purple 0 - 2 - 0 .000 17 1 -16
08:00 am 03/23 Salina Fieldhouse /East Salina Braves - Hitchens 1 vs 1 316 Elite - Horn
08:00 am 03/23 Salina Fieldhouse /West Jitterbugs - Bailey 3 vs 1 Salina Braves - Fetherston 10U
10:30 am 03/23 Salina Fieldhouse /East 316 Elite - Horn 10 vs 8 Jitterbugs - Bailey
10:30 am 03/23 Salina Fieldhouse /West BBG Halos 10U Purple 0 vs 12 Salina Braves - Hitchens
01:00 pm 03/23 Salina Fieldhouse /West BBG Halos 10U Purple 1 vs 5 Salina Braves - Fetherston 10U